Agárrense! La nueva revolución francesa: RIO y Avant-Prog vistos desde la psicodelia crimsoniana formada de estructuras de disonancias, toques de jazz, oscuridad mellotrónica a lo Anekdoten, en un viaje imaginativo y complejo por texturas abstractas y sublimes. Esto es NeBeLNeST y te tramos su primer disco, pronto vienen los demás.
Artista: NeBeLNeST
Artista: NeBeLNeST
Álbum: NeBeLNeST
Año: 1999
Género: RIO / Avant prog
Duración: 59:04
Nacionalidad: Francia
Año: 1999
Género: RIO / Avant prog
Duración: 59:04
Nacionalidad: Francia
Lista de Temas:
1. Improv: pooks part 1
2. Shafoo
3. Najha
4. Etude de shimshot
5. Improv: uncertain journey
6. Solilock
7. Absinthe
8. Crab nebula
9. Improv: pooks part 2
1. Improv: pooks part 1
2. Shafoo
3. Najha
4. Etude de shimshot
5. Improv: uncertain journey
6. Solilock
7. Absinthe
8. Crab nebula
9. Improv: pooks part 2
- Michael Anselmi / drums
- Cyril Malderez / guitar
- Gregory Tejedor / bass
- Olivier Tejedor / synthesizers, devices
- Michael Anselmi / drums
- Cyril Malderez / guitar
- Gregory Tejedor / bass
- Olivier Tejedor / synthesizers, devices
Siguiendo con los terribles discazos que estamos presentando esta semanita donde volví a publicar discos de mi propia colección, vamos ahora a prentar toda la colección de discos de éstos franceses que le van a volar el peluquín a más de uno.
Hambriento, potente, álgido, complejo, vanguardista, aventurero, imaginativo y revolucionado, esos son algunos de los epítetos que se le podría dar a la música de NeBeLNeST, pero son solamente las que se me ocurren pero podrían entrar muchos más. Sin medias tintas, una de las vueltas de tuerca del RIO más espectacular de los últimos años. Un banda que muestra su garra e intensidad, interpretando temas oscuros, coloraciones disonantes y abstractas, densas composiciones de furia urgente pero controlada.
NeBeLNeST es una fantástica banda francesa que con este primer album, aparecido en el 99, pasa a engrosar la lista de grandes bandas de la escena progresiva actual.Ferran Lizana
NeBeLNeST tienen un estilo muy particular y están influenciados principalmente por los King Crimson de Devil's Triangle (In the Wake of Poseidon) y los de la etapa Cross-Fripp-Wetton-Bruford, pero también se notan influencias de Univers Zero y de unas cuantas bandas francesas correspondientes a las tres décadas, como los setenteros Pulsar en los pasajes enigmáticos de mellotron, las bandas francesas de la segunda mitad de los 80 Edhels y Minimum Vital, y la banda de los 90 Xaal.
Los fans del mellotron estan aquí de enhorabuena, por que este es probablemente el album de la actualidad con un uso mas notable de este instrumento, creando intensas atmósferas y bañandolo todo en muchas partes del album, también tenemos mucha energía instrumental kingcrimsoniana, con arrebatos de intensidad hard rockera propios de la banda de Fripp, y delirante caos sonoro típico del rock in opposition, aunque también hay lugar para la melodía guitarrera y mellotroniana en ocasiones.
Todo el album es instrumental, y la única pega que podría tener es que tal vez los temas podrían ser mas variados, o simplemente ser un disco un poco más corto, pero igualmente me parece un álbum muy recomendable.
A destacar Shafoo y Najha que son pura dinamita, la enigmática, mellotroniana y ruidosa Solilock, la rabiosa y mellotroniana Absinthe y la intensidad de la potensísima Crab Nebula.
Un gran álbum para los que busquen sonidos complejos kingcrimsonianos cercanos al RIO.
Es difícil catalogar y encasillar a estos tipos, y los terminamos definiendo como RIO y Avant-Prog pero en su estilo se conjugan la psicodelia crimsoniana formada de estructuras de disonancias, con toques de jazz, instrumentaciones indonesas e intenciones metálicas de oscuridad mellotrónica a lo Anekdoten, en una música que es un viaje imaginativo y complejo por texturas abstractas y sublimes, sujetas por un estupenda sección rítmica y ocasionales improvisaciones de pirotecnia pura.
Aquí vamos a comenzar ordenadamente, presentando a la banda con su primer disco homónimo que ahoa se hace presente en el blog cabezón.
NeBeLNeST o La Nueva Revolución FrancesaSir Lawn Mower
Cada tanto, el país de Asterix nos sorprende con notables expresiones de vanguardismo, al que ya nos tiene acostumbrados.
En materias de música progresiva, en los 70 surge ese influyente colectivo llamado Magma, activos totalmente hoy en día bajo la guía de ese monstruo llamado Christian Vander. Hoy tenemos que volver nuestra vista una vez más hacia Francia para prestarle atención a una banda relativamente nueva que está revolucionando el género.
Me refiero a NeBeLNeST.
Esta banda surge con un excelente primer disco homónimo en 1998 y otra notable grabación en 2002, NoVa eXPReSS. Conformada por un trío como núcleo central, formado por Michael Anselmi y los hermanos Gregory y Olivier Tejedor, se agrega recientemente el guitarrista Matthieu Sassier en reemplazo de Cyril Malderez. Esta banda, que surge en la escena post-rock/avant-progresiva, cultiva un sonido enérgico, como un rock sinfónico oscuro, con influencias de King Crimson y Pulsar & Shylock, enlazados fieramente con elementos psicodélicos y de gran improvisación.
Al escucharlos, uno evoca prontamente el espíritu de bandas de Rock In Opposition o de símbolos como Magma, Univers Zéro y Heldon. La base rítmica incesante del baterista Michael Anselmi y del bajista Gregory Tejedor dan paso a la energía prodigada por los interesantísimos teclados de Olivier Tejedor y a las ácidas guitarras de Malderez, en una oscura sinfonía que arrebata de inmediato.
La energía que transmite NeBeLNeST encantará por igual a seguidores del progresivo sinfónico, como a los jóvenes metaleros, así como a amantes del rock pesado (de hecho, un riff al comienzo de ReDRuM nos recuerda de inmediato los acordes de Paranoid de Black Sabbath).
NeBeLNeST recién acaba de lanzar su tercer trabajo al mercado, llamado ZePTO, el cual aún no he tenido el placer de escuchar; mas estoy ansioso por adquirirlo, porque escuchar a estos franceses es una verdadera aventura, que el oído experimentado sabrá aceptar para ser conducido por los intrincados pasajes cubiertos de tinieblas de estos nuevos revolucionarios.
Ojo, quizás esta propuesta te sorprenda, y sería entendible tu posible dificultad de entrarle de primera mano a una música tan áspera sin estar familiarizado con el material, así que estate preparado para adentrarte despacio al mundo oscuro de NeBeLNeST, ya que vas a tener que escuchar el disco varias veces. Quizás una de las bandas más sobresalientes de los últimos tiempos, que comenzó añadiendo innovaciones al ya maduro libro del rock progresivo, combinando con sorprendente facilidad en igualdad de partes los miedos y violentaciones terrenas con las angustias emergientes de la vertiginosa navegación espacio tecnológica de nuestros días.
Hace poco tiempo descubri a esta excelente y excitante banda por instancia de un amigo y colega de LCDM, y realmente lamento haber perdido tanto tiemp osin disfrutar de esta musica tan fuerte, energica, inteligente, aspera e ingeniosa.César Inca
El primer disco me parece que esta basado mayormente en jams grupales, a los cuales se les dio cierta forma, sin perder un miligramo de peso. la onda es bastante crimsoniana, incorporando una parafernalia electronica a lo Gong y Ozric Tentacles de fines de los 80s. La densidad del estilo de NeBeLNeST es sombria, pero sin exagerar, sobre todo permitiendo que la fuerza destilada sea contagiante, y no se caiga en languideces pesimistas y melancolicas: no se si calificar el ambiente emocional de la musica de este cuarteto como "optimista", pero ciertamente si es pletorico de energia contagiante. Es algo para escuchar solo, pero cuando uno no se siente solitario, sino bastante entuiasmado pro algo, o con hganas de sentirse entusiasmado.
El segundo disco mantiene el mismo tenor general, pero incorporando un nivel mas intirncado en las composiciones y las estructuras ritmicas de los temas, los cuales se hacen mas extensos. Es como si hubiesen seguido trabajando en funcion de jams, pero esta vez hubiesen empleado tambien mas tiempo pensando mas ambiciosamente en terminos de composicion y arreglos. Al menos, esas son lasi mpresiones separadas que me causa nestos dos discos, los cuales a su vez mantiene una coherencia artistica y una misma intensidad. Puedo dexcribir a 'Nova Express' como producto de un incremento en el empleo de la inteligencia artistica para la misma dosis de polenta sonora.
Bueno, esto salio mas largo de lo que me propuse en un inicio. En proximas ocasiones enciare a este foro comentarios referentes a otras bandas que he ido descubriendo en las ultimas semanas.
Aqui me despido hasta una nueva ocasion.
Están avisados, entrenle a los franceses pero despacio que les puede caer mal e indigesto. Pero entrenle de una vez que esto está buenísimo.
Vamos con algunos comentarios en inglés, para que puedan apreciar que no solamente me gusta a mi:
What's to say about this band that I had discovered some 48 hours before seeing them in concert and that very same concert happened during one of those rare Blizzards in the Ardennes. Already warned by hearing the album only twice before the given concert, I was not all that well prepared to see/hear them live, especially having driven 260 Km to get there and back. The opening act No Name (from neighbouring Luxembourg being a no-show), Nebelnest took the stage much earlier than planned, but what a slap they gave the rare public that did show up that night. Actually they sounded very much like their debut album and served us a fairly basic lightshow with hand held slides about space and Maya or Aztec mythology, and it simply flattened us for the final count to ten.Sean Trane
Dense, dark and urgent, NeBeLNeST is a heavy French prog-rock outfit that throws all their influences into a giant cauldron and their music transpires from the simmering brew attacking our very senses, blending dark Crimsonian improvs (Asbury Park from the Live USA album is never far away), fiery drumming, flaming psychedelic guitar mastery, a Zeuhlian bass and underlined by Tejedor's keyboard layers. The voyages they invite us in wander through the Ozrickian galaxy, sometimes firing a laser beam into the RIO black hole. Yes, this spaceship is dedicated to sombre powers that can resembles some of those Aztec divinities necessitating renewed sacrifices that can only cost you neurones, fried by the burning progressive arrows that follow unexpected trajectories dictated by the constant rhythm explorations, outlined by a a very Present Trigaux piano.
Most of the tracks on this album are pure improvs (even if the crew only admit to three of them) and those that aren't, don't last long enough to avoid space jams, barely escaping RIO meteorites trajectories, sliding between Kraut debris, Kobaiain red stars and avant-prog supernova's explosions, but retaining some kind of impact of their obstacle course. Difficult to describe the tracks other than what I've done
In a way Nebelnest is the latest French version of Crimsonoïd prog after the different generations such as Shylock (late 70's), Xaal (late 80's and early 90's) and Quebec's Pangée (mid 90's). And as such, they are very much the better of these groups also and present a bright nebula for the future. Very much worth the investment, this debut album being the mandatory introduction passage to their Universe.
Dark, brooding and ominous instrumental prog from France , severely disturbing the senses with oblique arrangements, slurping bass, shrieking guitar ornamentations, hissing synths gone haywire and swaths of mellotron adding only to the maelstrom. This is how the improvisational "Pooks Part1" opens the ball! My goodness, what sonic savagery do we have here? "Shafoo" refines the brutality a bit, providing a leaner platform for the growling Gregory Tejedor bass to propel the music inexorably forward merging with the drenching megatron working its usual magical charm, manned by his brother Olivier. Axeman Cyril Malderez flings some brisk sonic perversions that clearly suggest various forms of manic insanity, Frippoid revolutions dancing over his 6 strings. The demented fuzz organ solo will woo the Canterbury crowd with its devious connotations. "Nahja" segues nicely into more introspective zones, playing the classic King Crimson Red period card, where apparent calm can explode into sudden seductive frenzy. Drummer extraordinaire Michel Anselmi certainly can bang, rattle and pummel with the best of them, as he eggs on the matador spirit in both Gregory and Olivier's playing. The seedy guitar foray is invigorating and rages scornfully, while the others follow with glee. The colossal "Etude de Shimshot" is a prime example of their experimental folly, a 9 minute binge loaded with spirited initial sonics (astounding sounds, weird effects, remindful of a War of the Worlds sci-fi movie), far from any kind of commercial or popular banner waving, with Anselmi leading them again into a flurry of jamming prowess, as all members rage in apparent unison. The keyboard/guitar dissonance is nevertheless held together by the exceptionally tight rhythm section, colliding the senses with organizational confusion (hence the correct RIO and Krautrock allusions by other PA reviewers). What is this, space, jam, groove, heavy or symph? Really they are an amalgamation of all kinds of prog genres, thus relaying the reputations of past glory boys such as Shylock, Arachnoid, Gong and Hawkwind. "Uncertain Journey" is listed as another improv, very much in the Crimsoid tradition (the brilliant "We'll Let You Know" as well as all the live explorations as heard on the amazing KC "The Great Deceiver" 4CD set) with Anselmi doing his best Bill Bruford imitation (no mean feat!) and some serious knob persecution on the assorted devices (sax, trumpet and brass samples, I presume) by Olivier Tejedor. The humorously titled "Sollilock" is more controlled, slightly upbeat and even jazzy in a Soft Machinesque sort of spirit, groovy bass melding with hairy keyboard roamings, while the guitar circles overhead like a ravenous buzzard, pecking and picking at the bones. The next one is another 9 minute "audio-gymnastics" display, vividly conveying the lethal pleasure of "Absinthe", that still forbidden elixir/drug that likes to trick the mind. The nuclear bass is almost verging on zeuhl, a definite Paga/Top vibe, as it spins in various controlled directions, a bobbing beacon that sets an incredible platform for the menacing soloists to hallucinate on, the fret board getting a resounding beating in particular. Beastly classic track, I say! A gentle piano mid section only further confounds the issue and upends the flow. "Crab Nebula" is also the inspiration for the spooky cover art, a sinuous steamroller that insidiously creeps into the furthest realms of the audio-brain, almost "prog-space-punk", as the rhythm is quite simple yet angry, in a way. This is definitely more in tune with the harsher, no quarter given elements in music: insistent, hypnotic, bold and devastating with tremendous skill expressed by the "quatuor". "Pooks Part 2" bookends this masterful debut, with some more improvisational mayhem, a glimpse into what these boys can do on a stage, and if so, look out for the smoke and the fire! Nasty, nearly gruesome, often weird but ultimately very satisfying, this French band will go places. Ca chauffe! 4.5 / 5 cloudy aeries.Thomas Szirmay
4.5 / 5 stars. I've been a big fan of this French band ever since I heard "Nova Express".They play a dark, heavy and at times experimental brand of music that recalls KING CRIMSON. And with the abundance of mellotron added to the formula I can't help but think of ANEKDOTEN and GUAPO. I still think "Nova Express" is their best followed by this their debut then "Zepto".John Davie
"Improv : Pooks Part 1" opens with faint sounds that build. We get some angular guitar and experimental sounds but check out the bass after 2 minutes. "Shafoo" opens with mellotron then a beat comes in followed by angular guitar and a full sound. The bass is huge and like the drumming. It turns spacey around 3 minutes. It's dark and intense. The bass returns with drums and guitar around 5 1/2 minutes. Great section. "Najha" opens with mellotron before drums, bass and guitar join in. Some organ later. It's pretty intense around 4 1/2 minutes as the drums pound. It picks up a minute later and the guitar starts to rip it up. "Etude De Shimshot" is fairly quiet to open as mellotron and other sounds bubble under the surface. Angular guitar comes into this haunting setting. We get a change after 2 1/2 minutes as the drums come in. A full sound follows. Nice bass here. It settles 5 1/2 minutes in then builds. It's a powerful soundscape 8 1/2 minutes in before settling late.
"Improv : Uncertain Journey" opens with experimetal sounds and cymbals. Eventually drums and bass join in followed by the guitar making some noise. "Solilock" is a favourite of mine. It just sounds so incredible, and I guess I feel that way because this really reminds me of ANEKDOTEN with the mellotron and heaviness. It does settle some later as the guitar starts to solo. Nice. "Absinthe" is laid back early but it's dark with some bottom end. Mellotron joins in and the tempo picks up. The guitar follows. A calm 4 minutes in before it kicks back in with fat bass lines and mellotron. The guitar comes in on fire. A calm 7 minutes in with piano before the guitar and drums return. Amazing tune. "Crab Nebula" opens with piano, bass and drums. Angular guitar before a minute then mellotron. A great sounding track. The tempo picks up 5 1/2 minutes in. "Improv : Pooks Part 2" is spacey to open as outbursts of power come and go. Drums before 2 minutes as the guitar makes some noise. Mellotron 3 1/2 minutes in. Still no melody here. An experimental piece.
Man this is so close to 5 stars for me. Just love this style of music.
Angry hands that articulate fiery guitar riffs and solos and intrepid bass lines, keyboard textures and layers that seem to come from the guts of a desperate soul lost in limbo, and ultra-virile drumming that combines the frenzy of the darkest psychodelia and the classy touch of avant-garde jazz - these are the ingredients that make NeBeLNeST one of the most notable prog acts of our times. Their debut album stated the rules very clearly from day one: these guys not only are proficient musicians, but also intend to explore the darkest and harshest side of prog by following the path of KC (from both the delirious Red-era and their heavier current works), the spacey odysseys of Ozric Tentacles and the massive dissonances and anti-melodic deconstructions of RIO. There's also some free jazz challenges here and there, delivered in robust fashion. The material comprised in their eponymous debut album consists mostly on jam-oriented compositions, that is, not based on clearly crafted melody lines and harmonic elaborations, but on the sonic exploration of chord sequences headlong into climaxes, explosions, increasing amounts of visceral tension. The repertoire is immaculately even in quality and intensity, managing to keep the same level of tension, either inherently or explicitly. The fluid sequence of the first three tracks is an exhibition of sheer punch; other highlights are 'Etude de Shimshot' (really sinister, not unlike the roughest side of krautrock, although NeBeLNeST definitely has a feel more closely related to their old compatriots of the RIO movement than to krautrock) and 'Crab Nebula' (one of the best rhythm section's performances is contained in this one). Anyway, allow me to remind you something I stated before: there's no waste material in this repertoire. Even 'Solilock', which is perhaps the least complex number in the album, portrays an amazingly exciting flavour of darkness and gloomy intensity, with those oppressive mellotron layers and those flaming lead guitar phrases. 'Absinthe' is mostly the result of the joining of two different jams: this is when the quartet somewhat diminishes its usual display of sonic power... until the mandatory climax appears in order to provide a shocking end. Or so it seemed until a solemn piano coda brought the start of the real ending, which consists of a Present-esque languid sequence, creepy, albeit not too overwhelming. NeBeLNeST is my favourite French prog band nowadays (a sort of Shylock-meets-Present with an increased sense of energy and a more solidly contemporary attitude), and this album is a hell of a place to start with them.César Inca
Nebelnest's debut is a King Crimson dream come true. Even the song titles seem to have run away from King Crimson albums.Karl Bonnek
Nebelnest is a French modern prog bands that takes the dense darkness of Magma and adds towering Crimsonite riffs and dissonant harmonisation. They operate in the RIO section of PA but next to the notable avant-garde elements, they sure rock as wild and gripping as Crimson does.
The band keeps things entirely instrumental, laying down a heavy rhythm section with drilling bass guitar and the type of jazz-rock influenced drumming that brings back the energy and dynamism of Bill Bruford. Organs, mellotrons and guitars provide for the melodic leads, often using dissonance and weird tonalities. Not one track is less then stellar. The band is sure inspired on each of these improvisations, going fluently from uncanny spacey atmospheres to furious intensity and everything inbetween.
Kudos to Sinkadotentree for recommending this band to me and particularly for introducing me to this album. A golden tip! Highly recommended for fans of '74 King Crimson, early Anekdoten, Guapo and Magma's instrumental side.
Strange but nice... with influences of King Crimson, fusion and avant garde, this album is very dark, with astonishing athmospheres and a great keyboards/synthesizers work by Olivier Tejedor. I was surprised by a raw guitar and powerful drum arhytmical bases, mixed into a progressive chaos that always arrives to spectacular symphonic endings. "Absinthe" and "Crab Nebula" sounds really great and the cover design is a piece of fine art...Ivan Avila
Vayan probando ésto, que fue su primer trabajo, le siguen otros dos y también los vamos a presentar. Y si les llega a gustar esto trabajo homónimo, les comento que los otros dos discos están mucho mejor aún, así que prepárense para adentrarse al universo NeBeLNeST
Download: (APE + CUE + Log - No scans)
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