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Darryl Way's Wolf - Canis lupus (1973)

Artista: Wolf
Álbum: Canis lupus
Año: 1973
Género: Jazz Rock Fusion / Progresivo ecléctico
Duración: 36:29
Nacionalidad: Inglaterra

Lista de Temas:
1. The Void
2. Isolation Waltz
3. Go Down
4. Wolf
5. Cadenza
6. Chanson Sans Paroles
7. McDonald's Lament

- Darryl Way / violin, viola, keyboards
- Dek Messecar / bass
- John Etheridge / guitar
- Ian Mosley / drums
Guest musician:
Ian McDonald / piano, percussion

Lo prometido, vamos con el segundo disco de Wolf, otro aporte de Carlos el Menduco, otro buen disco de esta banda... en mi opinión no es tan bueno como el anterior pero no deja de ser un disco recomendable.

A pesar de no ser uno de mis albúmenes más recurrentes esta entrega de “Wolf” se muestra prometedora y simpática -a pesar de que a veces le falta un poco mas de “dinámica” en su performance- por lo tanto nada esta perdido con esta pieza “jazz-sinfónica. Canis Lupus es un álbum prometedor pero algo irregular, su performance es muy esmerada y logra concebir una buena fusión entre el Jazz y el sinfonismo, sin embargo su “propuesta” no logra alcanzar el objetivo deseado, pero a pesar de sus "defectos"su estructura es estilizada y refinada, el sonido es limpio, “pomposo” y muy versátil, el violín se rige como soporte principal del sonido y por ello el álbum consigue un plus; si bien esta obra a veces tienda a tornarse un poco flojo OJO esta sobresale por su base instrumental. Quizás este no sea el álbum adecuado para ingresar al sonido de “Wolf” pero será una buena experiencia, aquí el punto fuerte es la fusión Jazz-Folk-Música Clásica por lo tanto de una u otra manera se convierte en una buena adquisición para su colección de plásticos virtuales.
El Hombre Polilla

Como dije antes, hoy no tengo mucho tiempo, así que vamos a otros comentarios, ahora en inglés, y al disco... y es de destacar que algunas cosas de la banda de Kusturica pueden referir a algunos temas de Wolf.

After two successful years and three seminal albums, violinist Darryl Way departed Curved Air in search of a tougher, heavier sound. Gathering a trio of little known musicians around him -- future Soft Machine guitarist John Etheridge, vocalist/bassist and future Caravan member Dek Messecar, and future Trace and Marillion drummer Ian Mosley, Darryl Way swiftly inked a deal with Decca's Deram imprint.
The band's debut, Canis Lupus, was produced by King Crimson's Ian McDonald, who also provided his own piano skills to "Chanson Sans Paroles," one of a clutch of stellar instrumentals on the set. Here the band create a series of shifting moods, incorporating classical, rock, and jazz elements into the piece. Way's swirl of genres and tension between structure and improvisation was the key to their sound and the album. Entire sections of "The Void," for example, feature arpeggios soaring above R&B, with stately almost pomp rock passages haunted by Messecar's dreamy vocals. "Isolation Waltz" dances along Messecar's potent R&B bassline, even as Way's violin solo flips the piece towards classical. "Wolf," although somewhat beholden to Cream, also slides between genres, its gypsy flair adding a wild element to a piece that gracefully plays off classical against rock and the blues. The song's powerful melody made it an obvious choice for single. It's "Cadenza," however, that is the ultimate showcase of the musicians' considerable skills, with each member taking a solo turn -- Way gets two, on violin and Moog. The number storms merrily from classical to blues, jazz to rock, and throws in some country for good measure. Way is marvelous, but his personal epiphany is found on "McDonald's Lament," which features his most emotive violin playing. With its mixture of songs and inspired instrumentals, subtle hybrid styles, strong melodies, superb musicianship, and accessibility even at its most improvisational, Canis Lupus was feted by critics and prog rock fans alike.
Jo-Ann Greene

A classically trained violinist, Darryl Way made his first serious sortie into progressive rock with the formation of Curved Air in 1970 along with keyboardist Francis Monkman. After three successful albums and a hit single Way departed in 1972. He resurfaced the following summer fronting his new band Darryl Way’s Wolf with the debut release Canis Lupus. He was joined on the album and its two successors Saturation Point and Night Music by a trio of then relatively unknown musicians. They comprised bassist and vocalist Dek Messecar, guitarist John Etheridge and drummer Ian Mosley fresh from the stage musical ‘Hair’. The bands name reflected an edgier musical direction for Way. All three releases have been expertly re-mastered from the original master tapes by Esoteric whose catalogue of reissues from the 60’s and 70’s currently totals around the eighty mark.
On production duties for Wolf’s first outing was Ian McDonald, the guiding light behind Crimson’s legendary 1969 debut In The Court Of The Crimson King. Here, as with the two later releases, the bands audacious style often suggested that the impressive performances were as important, if not sometimes more important than the songs themselves. Tightly structured in places, almost improvisational in others, the slight melodies provided a backdrop upon which the band could hang their collective playing skills. Their musical ethos is made clear from the outset. Following a low-key organ intro, the otherwise lively The Void is noteworthy for nimble guitar work from Etheridge enriched by creative use of echo. He receives strong support from Mosley’s energetic but articulate drumming. Way’s busy piano adds to the songs rhythmic backbone and in addition to his bass skills Messecar demonstrates that he’s a more than capable singer.
The moody bass line throughout Isolation Waltz is not unlike the riff from Floyd’s Money with Way’s violin adding a surprising country flavour. The mellow Go Down belongs to Etheridge with not one, but two stunning jazz tinged acoustic guitar solos. Messecar’s smooth vocal is vaguely reminiscent of Paul Simon. The band’s namesake Wolf opens with a shrill Moog fanfare from Way before he indulges in some gutsy violin and guitar interplay with Etheridge. Throughout, Messecar and Mosley’s rhythmic partnership is an impressive exercise in restrained power. Way’s violin really cuts loose during the instrumental Cadenza as he and Etheridge cook-up an energetic brew of jazz, rock and country somewhere along the same lines as ELP’s Hoedown. Not to be outdone Messecar and Mosley both shine with respective bass and drum solos leaving Way to wrap things up with a maniac synth coda.
The original album closes with my two favourite tracks, Chanson Sans Paroles and McDonald's Lament. Both instrumental, the former is a seemingly incongruous combination of a bass riff that echoes Cream’s Sunshine Of Your Love and melodious classical style violin that evokes the lyricism of a Vaughn Williams symphony. It develops into a catchy main melody that curiously is not unlike veteran composer Dimitri Tiomkin’s main theme from The Guns Of Navorone. Ian McDonald gets in on the act adding piano and percussion. The beautifully evocative McDonald's Lament is Way’s tribute to the producer with a sumptuous viola solo that appropriately recalls Crimson’s gentler pieces with David Cross on violin.
The bonus tracks included on this reissue are both sides of the single that preceded the album by three months in March 1973. Spring Fever is an OK song but its slightly poppy chorus explains its inclusion here and not on the album. An early mix of Wolf provided the ‘A’ side. Unsurprisingly the songs ambiguous lyrics and instrumental complexity went over the heads of radio producers and singles buyers at the time.
Geoff Feakes

This second album of DARRYL WAY"S WOLF is the one I would recomend that you start with but the first album is equally as good. Messakar's singing is only present in two or three tracks (the rest are intrumental) and Game Of X is a total rip-off from Focus:s Hocus Pocus which makes this Bogus. This album was produced by ex-Crimson member Ian McDoald (he has also done Modern Masquarade of Fruup) and played on one number . The rest of the music stays pleasant with a very mid-hard/soft sound that I can only say is rather "passe-partout" and is mainly instrumental on their first two albums . It is not likely to displease anyone but wil not have you tearing down the walls in musical orgasms either. I will not say that this band is essential in prog but if you have time and money to spend , why not indulge?
Sean Trane

Actually the first album from Darryl Way's Wolf(sorry Progarchives; but we all make mistakes!) this 1973 effort found the former Curved Air violinist teaming up with talented Canadian bassist Dek Messecar, future Soft Machine guitarist John Etheridge and drummer Ian Mosley(who would, of course, go on join Marillion over a decade later). With Way's enigmatic violin riffs leading the way, 'Canis Lupus' is indeed a fine album, taking its stylistic lead from Curved Air but adding a tougher, more muscular sheen whilst also embracing elements of ethereal folk, playful jazziness and some startling instrumental interplay from the foursome. Highlights are many; the gorgeous guitar riff that pins together opening gambit 'The Void' proves a real treat, the fearsome 'Isolation Waltz' adds a powerful rock veneer to proceedings whilst the final, haunting mini-epic 'McDonald's Lament' showcases Way at his very best. For those who find Curved Air a little wimpy, Darryl Way's Wolf should prove a perfect antidote. An excellent debut release.
Stefan Turner

Very good album, even with compare with of Genesis, JT, Yes and so on. Beatiful themes, excellent playing (especially Way's violin (as usual :) ) and guitar work), nice vocal, the rest of album's instrumentals also are good (though I prefer songs). Despite previous review I think there is no rip-offs from anywhere and sound is unique and catchy. Must have in any 70th prog collection. I have it got and listen to it periodically and every time with pleasure. I think most of men who tired of monsters of prog and discovering not so known 70th prog bands give 5 stars to this album, as I gave :)

"Canis-Lupus" of WOLF released in 1973. There is a fantasy that is common to all tunes and soft though it is a variegated content. It seems to make a simple idea the one to stimulate imagination richly comparatively. It is a work of a very expression of feelings and fantastic sound. The masterpiece of the album is "Cadanza". The guitar of John Etheridge is wonderful.It is British rock where be able do the balance of coolness and romanticism rather than a progressive rock.


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Ideario del arte y política cabezona

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Gandhi, Tous les hommes sont frères, Gallimard, 1969, p. 235.