Adrenalina hecha sonidos ¿Recuerdan al Ornithozozy de Fukkeduk? El Mago Alberto los presentó hace poco. Bueno, éste fue el gérmen. Prolífica semilla que cosechó varios álbums que si ustedes los piden no tendremos más remedio que volverlos a disfrutar, subirlos, volverlos a disfrutar, reseñarlos, volverlos a disfrutar y por último publicarlos, y disfrutarlos entre todos...
Artista: Doctor Nerve
Artista: Doctor Nerve
Álbum: Skin
Año: 1995
Género: RIO / Avant-Prog
Duración: 53:37
Nacionalidad: EEUU
Año: 1995
Género: RIO / Avant-Prog
Duración: 53:37
Nacionalidad: EEUU
Lista de Temas:
1. Plague
2. Every Screaming Ear
3. The Shameful Stain
4. Preaching to the Converted
5. Phones Where Your Tongue Is
6. Nerveware No. 8
7. Little Jonny Stinkypants
8. Don't Call Too Late My Husband's a Baker
9. Beta 14 ok
10. In His Feet Were Burned Because of Many Waters
11. Phones Where Your Guitar Is
12. I Kick My Hand
13. Dead Silence
14. Ironwood
15. Take Your Ears as the Bones of Their Queen
16. Our Soldiers are Soft Pianos
1. Plague
2. Every Screaming Ear
3. The Shameful Stain
4. Preaching to the Converted
5. Phones Where Your Tongue Is
6. Nerveware No. 8
7. Little Jonny Stinkypants
8. Don't Call Too Late My Husband's a Baker
9. Beta 14 ok
10. In His Feet Were Burned Because of Many Waters
11. Phones Where Your Guitar Is
12. I Kick My Hand
13. Dead Silence
14. Ironwood
15. Take Your Ears as the Bones of Their Queen
16. Our Soldiers are Soft Pianos
- Greg Anderson / electric bass
- Leo Cieso / drums, skins
- Nick Didkovsky / electric guitars
- Dave Douglas / trumpet, "baritone thing"
- Yves Duboin / soprano sax
- Rob Henke / trumpet, voice
- Michael Lytle / bass clarinet, contrabass clarinet
- Marx Wagnon / vibraphone, samples
- Greg Anderson / electric bass
- Leo Cieso / drums, skins
- Nick Didkovsky / electric guitars
- Dave Douglas / trumpet, "baritone thing"
- Yves Duboin / soprano sax
- Rob Henke / trumpet, voice
- Michael Lytle / bass clarinet, contrabass clarinet
- Marx Wagnon / vibraphone, samples
Otra alegría para los cabezones más enrevesados y extremistas. Avant rock mezclado con R.I.O. y metal dan vida a toda la adrenalina de Doctor Nerve. El Mago Alberto se acuerda de ustedes y les trae ésta belleza extraña y disonante para que conozcan y disfruten éste fin de semana frío y ventoso...
Full instrumental scores of all compositions from the Doctor Nerve cd SKIN, plus 6 pieces from the cd Beta 14 ok. Forward by Fred Frith, introduction by Larry Polansky, afterword by Michael Bloom.El disco es un discazo, no se lo pueden perder... Aquí, el comentario del Mago Alberto:
Compositions for Soprano Sax, Trumpet, Baritone Horn, Bass Clarinet, Guitar, Vibraphone, Bass, and Drum Set. Includes trios, duos, and solos as well as full octet compositions.
On Skin, Nerve finds the unlikely meeting ground between heavy metal, thrashcore and artrock. The densest, heaviest, most intricately composed music you could ever imagine!
Caótica, aleatoria, disonante, inconexa, y si todo esto lo englobamos en un género cuasi nuevo como el "jazz-rock avant-metal mutante", el resultado es DR. NERVE, un resumen de ProgArchive, para que no te llenes de tecnisismos si se te ocurre googlear, ésto es básicamente lo que vas a encontrar acá.Mago Albert
Este septeto fue la materia prima de lo que luego sería Fukkeduk, grupo que hace unos días presentamos en el blog, así que el que escuchó a la mencionada banda ya sabe de lo que va esto.
Un ingrediente que quizás no se encuentra en Fukkeduk son los fraseos de la guitarra metalera, que casi distingue a DR. NERVE y le da ese tinte que a más de uno va a sorprender.
El oído experimentador y mas cercano a Zappa, estará de parabienes con este trabajo, también los seguidores de Primus, un trabajo novedoso, arriesgado y lleno de matices sonoros es la mejor síntesis para definir de alguna manera todo lo que van a descubrir de primera oida. Las entradas de los caños en cada solo son de antología, sólo comparable con el mejor King Crimson.
Lo que no cabe la menor duda es que al margen de cualquier cuestionamiento sonoro, es notable la excelencia académica de estos músicos, y saben a estas alturas por donde viene TODO, ensambles perfectos y armonías que solo pueden lograr tipos que ya vienen de vuelta de cuanto ritmo musical deambula por el mundo.
Para los cabezones enfermos y retorcidos.
Ahí estuvo el comentario del disco, hecho por quien lo trae, y por lo tanto es el que vale. Ahora vamos a los comentarios en inglés que siempre tratamos de traer...
Are you nauseated from the seemingly endless abundance of new releases in tired old predictable styles? Do you welcome the next whiny overstylized singer fronting a band of wannabe clones like the next outbreak of the flu? Well, worry not. The Doctor is back, rested and ready for major surgery! Doctor Nerve is the amazing instrumental rock octet from New York City fronted by guitarist / composer / visionary Nick Didkovsky. The lineup consists of your standard rock lineup of guitar, bass, and drums, augmented by two trumpets, sax, bass clarinet, and vibraphone. Their music is a tightly arranged and extremely complex rock with a strong foot in the jazz door, an ever-changing pastiche of odd angles, multiple-time signatures, twisted and fractured melodies and artful incongruities all delivered at an unbelievably high energy level and breakneck speed. They seem to be able to hold on to a groove well, though many of the rhythms are still nearly impossible to follow (try tapping your foot to this!).Peter Thelen
In the four years since 1991's Beta 14 OK, Doctor Nerve have essentially returned to the direction they were headed up with their first two releases Out to Bomb Fresh Kings and Armed Observation ('84 and '87 Respectively). Skin is far more energetic and funky than any before it, with Didkovsky's axe brought to the forefront of the mix (which is where it always should've been) and driven home in a punchy heavy-metal style, typified by tracks like "Dead Silence," "Plague," and "Preaching to the Converted." Yet there's still plenty of variety here, and the pace changes frequently throughout the album's 54 minutes: There's "Little Johnny Stinkypants," which might remind of Japanese contemporaries Tipographica, "Every Screaming Ear" – which is basically twenty seconds of a shouted complaint (what?), and "Our Soldiers Are Soft Pianos" which closes the album on a more gentle note. This is an adventurous album, and one I'm sure most could get into with little effort. A comment on the tray insert reads "Listen to this record loud and in one sitting. Open your windows so your neighbors can hear it too." I Agree. This is among the best of '95 so far.
Well, no one could rightfully call Dr. Nerve derivative. That's for sure. Imagine really distorted heavy metal guitar, clean vibes, frenetic drums and bass, and then throw in a horn section to boot – that pretty much sums up Dr. Nerve. Remember that more than two people can solo at the same time and don't forget to include random computer composed tracks either. I'm not sure where Dr. Nerve is going sometimes, but they sure are in a hurry to get there. Guitarist / composer Nick Didkovsky plays in the grand style of Black Sabbath and Metallica – fast power chords played through Marshall stacks with a Rat distortion pedal to insure ultra contortion of the guitar signal. He uses distortion to great effect – not unlike Neil Young in some places. None of the other players get too grungy with the exception of some noisy horn and wind solos now and again. Actually, most of the solos are noise of some sort – sometimes guitar, sometimes sax, sometimes primal screaming. The overall band sound is a quirky combination of hard rock with free-form jazz. It's interesting that Didkovsky is the composer of the material, given the fact that his metal six string work doesn't suggest that he would be responsible for the jazz leanings in the compositions.Mike Grimes
The music is very jagged and bumpy. There isn't much flow to the music sometimes and the melodies are often tough to discern. These aren't the kind of tunes that you'd be humming to yourself while waiting for the elevator [unless you're a writer for Exposé – Ed]. Some songs are so diverse that, within a track, they go from fast paced hard rock to an almost minimalist form. The bass player and vibraphonist really stand out as the best sounding players, though the it's not as obvious with the vibes since they aren't featured quite as often as some other instruments. The drums, on the other hand, while not necessarily played poorly, sound terrible! They're extremely dull and have a flat sound throughout. That's my main gripe about the album. With that exception, the album is pretty interesting and riveting to listen to. The randomizing effect created by the computer for some tracks can be intriguing. For example, on "Our Soldiers Are Soft Pianos," what sounds like a piano solo is actually a computer with interactive software controlling a MIDI instrument with sound bytes other Dr. Nerve compositions. Fans of experimental jazz and avant garde music will like this music for its creative side, and rock fans will enjoy the tight drums and bass with heavy guitar. However, there's enough of both these styles that if either one is annoying to you, it might be tough to endure the entire album.
Dr. Nerve's latest album features more of composer / guitarist Nick Didkovsky's uncompromisingly dense and aggresive avant-garde rock. The music on Skin swings from a somewhat restrained RIO sound to heavy punk-influenced pieces driven by metalish guitar power chords. The jerky syncopated rhythms and barely tonal melodic meanderings remind one of RIO groups such as Banda Elastica in places, while the heavy guitar presence and some bizarre spoken interludes betray a more hardcore sound on several of the tracks. The intriguing juxtaposition of these two elements on many of the tracks of Skin, however, is one the things that makes this album work so well. Contrapuntal horn and vibraphone lines mingle with and play off of the powerful rhythmic riffing, giving the music a slightly schizophrenic and thoroughly unique feel. Didkovsky lets forth a few frenzied guitar solos, but for the most part Skin features incredibly tight ensemble playing, with excellent individual performances from the whole band. This is perhaps one of the strongest and most coherent Dr. Nerve releases to date; a fantastic album for the adventurous listener.Rob Walker
Y, por si les interesa y únicamente como nota de color, aquí tenemos a Nick Didkovsky, el violero de Doctor Nerve, enseñando cómo es que se toca el "Iron Man" de Black Sabbath...
La Biblioteca Sonora se va poninendo rechoncha, gordita y jugosa, cada vez más, a éste disco también lo pueden encontra allí...

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