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Apocalypse - Refúgio (2003)

Artista: Apocalypse
Álbum: Refúgio
Año: 2003
Género: Rock sinfónico / Neoprogresivo
Duración: 64:04
Nacionalidad: Brasil

Lista de Temas:
1. Refúgio
2. Cachoeira Das Águas Douradas
3. Viagem No Tempo
4. América Do Sul
5. Toccata
6. Amazônia
7. ProgJazz
8. Liberdade
9. Lembranças Eternas
10. III Milênio
11. Último Horizonte (Live in USA)
12. Terra Azul (Live in USA)

- Chico Casara / vocals and bass
- Eloy Fritsch / keyboards and backing vocals
- Chico Fasoli / drums, percussion and backing vocals
- Ruy Fritsch / guitars and backing vocals

Otro de los grandes conjuntos brasileros que reviven en el blog gracias a Sandy. Ojo, me han llegado varios comentarios de los sorprendidos ayentes cuando he publicado cosas de este grupo, y estaban sorprendidos justamente por la calidad de la banda, así que no se tomen esto muy a la ligera, que esta también es una terrible banda (otra de las tantas que coexisten en el blog cabezón)

Una opción muy recomendable de rock sinfonico brasileño.
Ya había presentado a Apocalypse anteriormente, banda brasilera de puro sinfonismo y alto vuelo instrumental, y primera banda brasilera en tocar en yankilandia, este disco recopila un par de buenas canciones de esos shows. Su estilo inconfundíble de la banda permanece: duelo de guitarras y teclados analógicos muy sinfónicos que ciertamente agradará a cualquier admirador de la buena música, pero sobretodo a los fans del neo-prog al estilo Marillion o IQ. Apocalipsis es sin duda uno de los mayores representante del rock progresivo salido de tierras brasileñas, y uno de los pocos que ha logrado el reconocimiento de todo el mundo, incluso con canciones cantadas en portugués, como "Terra Azul" (temazo).

Este é o sétimo trabalho no qual o APOCALYPSE atingiu um nível de maturidade digno de uma banda que embora se mantenha fiel ao seu estilo, sempre busca novos caminhos e sonoridades, conseguindo a proeza de reciclar velhas idéias, porém com uma roupagem atual.
Quem já os conhece sabe que eles bebem na fonte genesiana, com uma boa influência do MARILLION em início de carreira, mas com algumas pitadas de Progressivo Sinfônico, sendo que este último torna-se cada vez mais evidente a cada novo trabalho, como é o caso deste "Refúgio", cuja faixa-título, logo no início, nos remete diretamente ao EMERSON, LAKE & PALMER lá pelos idos dos anos setenta, principalmente pelo excelente trabalho feito pelo tecladista Eloy Fritsch, que vez por outra chega a lembrar o estilo de Keith Emerson!
De fato, ao contrário dos álbuns anteriores, este trabalho só possui uma faixa ("Liberdade") que pode ser chamada de Neo-Prog, as demais seguem um direcionamento mais Sinfônico, ora com pitadas de YES, ora do citado ELP, mas sempre mantendo uma característica própria, sinal de que a banda já encontrou sua identidade, o que comprova aquela "maturidade" mencionada há dois parágrafos.
O CD conta ainda, como bônus, com dois registros ao vivo nos EUA em 1999, que renderam o álbum "Live In USA".
Apocalypse Band

"Refugio" es una excelente propuesta de rock sinfónico, cantado en su totalidad en portugués, destacan las canciones "Toccata", "Refugio" y "III Milenio" pero todas las canciones tienen un nivel parejo, la voz de Chico Casara por momentos recuerda los registros de Ney Matogrosso de "Secos y Mojados", hay un buen manejo de teclados y guitarra por los hermanos Fritsch.
Recuerden este grupos tiene varias producciones orientadas al mercado de habla inglesa, donde todo el material esta cantado en íngles, allí el estilo cambia un poco, por momentos se escuchan a un Uriah Heep mezclado con el viejo Marillion de los 80´s, canciones más accesibles y no tan elaboradas, pero por suerte en los momentos donde registraron este álbum todavía no estaban tan preocupados en el mercado gringo, y por lo tanto suenan más frescos y originales que en sus producciones posteriores.

I bought this album on impulse after finding it in the Progressive Rock section of a very small music shop. Apart from its classification, the surreal cover art and list of track titles in Portuguese intrigued me. I have to say I'm glad I bought it.
APOCALYPSE is a Brazilian neo-Prog band very much in the Progressive Rock vein, producing music that reminds one a little of MARILLION and KANSAS, with maybe just a slight hint of YES at times, and with the Brazilian penchant for melody very evident. Eloy Fritsch is clearly a very talented keyboard player; his playing sounds at times like KEITH EMERSON and at other times a little like RICK WAKEMAN. In my opinion the keyboards on this album are excellent, but do not overwhelm the music. The guitar playing of Eloy's brother Ruy is good too, with some soaring guitar parts. Much of Chico Casara's singing is fine, but he does not have a particularly strong voice and sometimes has to strain, and occasionally he also has trouble hitting a note. He's not a bad bass player though. The rest of the band sometimes struggle a bit on the backing vocals too. I read a review of this album on another Web site suggesting that languages such as Portuguese and other Latin-based languages are not as suitable/pleasant as English for the vocals in Prog Rock, and that the songs on this album would possibly have been better in English. I have to disagree; I think Prog Rock in Portuguese (or Italian, or Spanish etc.) sounds fine and I'm glad (most) bands from non-English speaking countries sing in their native tongue. However I did wonder whether the reviewer was confusing the language with Chico Casara's singing limitations. Several reviews of this album on other Web sites have also suggested that Eloy Fritsch is the principal (only?) talent in the group. I also have to disagree with that idea; the band play well together and I enjoy the end product.
The recording sounds a little echoey to me and is not quite as crystal clear as some other albums I've listened to recently. The sound quality of the two bonus tracks, recorded live at ProgDay 99, North Carolina, is not so much different from the studio tracks, and the band's playing sounds as good on stage as in the studio. I'm no expert in recording, but all this makes me wonder whether the band put the studio songs down live in the studio. The band did not use guest musicians and so can reproduce faithfully on stage what they do in the studio, which is impressive. By the way, the band went down well at ProgDay 99, getting a standing ovation. The guitar at the beginning of the first ProgDay 99 track, 'Último Horizonte', even reminded me of VAN HALEN.
The lyrics are generally good, some parts very poetic, although in one or two tracks there is a bit too much repetition of a key phrase in my opinion, but this is a minor criticism.
The keyboard and bass riff that starts off the first and title track 'Refúgio' (refuge) is very catchy. You can listen to the MP3 of this track on the band's Web site - the track is called 'Refúgio Dos Inocentes' (refuge of the innocents) on their Web site, which must have been the working title because, as I write this, the site has not been updated since before the album was released. I like the track very much and it is a good indication of the style of the rest of the album. The track that follows it on the album, 'Cachoeira das Águas Douradas', is excellent and the lyrics are very poetic but unfortunately in places it is a bit of a challenge vocally for Chico Casara. 'América do Sul' is a lovely, melodic track; the fast drumming rhythm at the start of the track giving way to a beautiful eulogy to an amazing continent. The second live track, 'Terra Azul', has good lyrics and, like 'América do Sul', is a lovely, melodic track. 'III Milênio' is a great track - the synth is superb and reminds me of ISAO TOMITA's playing on "Snowflakes Are Dancing". Actually, there is not a track on the album that I don't like, although 'ProgJazz' is a cotton candy track and a bit corny, but even that has some good guitar and a short burst of satisfying, fat synth.
Given my slight quibbles with the vocals and the recording quality, I would be inclined to award the album 3.5 stars if such a thing were possible. As it isn't, and as the album has been playing a lot in my house of late, I'm rounding it up to 4 stars (Excellent addition to any prog rock collection); despite the flaws I've mentioned I have to say I really enjoy the album and it pleases me more than some of the cerebral stuff I've listened to recently. It does not have classical undertones (well, apart from the short instrumental 'Toccata' which, by the way, is also good and showcases Eloy Fritsch's keyboard skills), is not novel or avant-garde, but it has catchy tunes and melodies, some excellent keyboards, good guitar and is very Prog Rock in style. The French prog record company Musea thought APOCALYPSE were worth signing, so give it a try if you are adventurous as this album is available outside its native Brazil.
Apocalypso Facto

APOCALYPSE has been the first Brazilian band signed by Musea for a new record. Released at the end of the Eighties, "Lendas Encantadas" revealed an exceptional band, as well as a Progressive rock music full of energy, inspired by MARILLION. Fourth APOCALYPSE album, "Refugio" (2003) includes ten tracks (Plus two bonus tracks) and a fantastic booklet with photos, lyrics and information about the band. More than the usual quality Progressive rock with symphonic influences, it delivers us those forgotten feelings like peace, love and compassion. It is, undoubtly, an album worth listening to !
Refúgio is the seventh album by this Brazilian symphonic band!
Apocalypse make a great brand of symphonic rock with synthezisers, hammond, sampler, guitar, drums and emotional vocals! Apocalypse produce some strong material such as the epic Cachoeira das Aguas Douradas, which has some great Pink Floyd-style soloing and well-worked symphonic touches, whilst America do Sul (clearly influenced by Marillion, IQ and Pendragon) is well constructed in the build up, with a strong, harmony laden chorus. There is also a very Southamerican feel about the music, it lies in the percussion and of course the vocals. These vocals have the emotionality of the Italian bands the vocal part is quite nice and distinctive, the organ parts are also warm and symphonic. The song Amazonia is a slow symphonic track with a marimba and percussion intermezzo with vocals. The sound is more distinctive on this one, which is a good thing. The vocals strongly intertwine, the vocal lines are good and varied. The conclusion is both optimistic and bombastic. Liberdade opens with very catchy keyboards, almost in italo style. But then the song turns out to be quite an aggressive rocking affair. Quite a surprise and it works out well too. The CD also has two great bonus tracks, Último Horizonte (Live In USA, bonus) and Terra Azul (Live in USA, bonus)!
Joao Carlos Machado

I quite liked their sophomore album « Aurora Dos Sonhos" (four stars in my books), but this one is not quite on par. The music is much harder and has little to share with the symph genre I praise so much.
At times, vocals are sweet and piano relatively subtle. But most of time, the beat is quite "elevated" and the music quite simplistic ("Amazonia"). This is rather a disillusion for me but I was maybe expecting too much from this band after some good earlier work.
Now, the music performed is of great skills but emotion sounds quite alien here. This is a crafted album, with very good musicians but a serious lack in the song writing. Just have a listen to "Prog Jazz" to get confirmation. Lots of jazz and little prog IMHHO.
I can't really call out one single track as being outstanding. And that's a major problem as far as I'm concerned. Some usual neo tendencies during "Lembranças Eternas" are maybe one of the best thing you can experience. But this is far too weak in comparison with the talent of the band.
This album is much more neo-prog oriented. But low-key neo as far as I'm concerned. The melodic closing "Terra Azul" is my fave; but none of the songs from this album can compete with their great "Aurora?").
I am really disappointed with this "Refugio" work. I am generous tough: I will grant it with three stars.

"Refugio" is the seventh official release by the Brazilian band Apocalypse. However, I think I should note that the band's fourth CD represents the re-recorded version of their eponymous debut (released in 1990) with an addition of a few new songs. The overall view on the most part of the band's creation is located >here.
Synopsis. As you can see above, "Refugio" consists of ten tracks, while the last two songs on the album were recorded during one of the band's live performances. To be honest, I am not able to determine whether these are new songs or not. Nevertheless, I think I should examine them in the context of the CD as a whole. As usual, the vocals are in Portuguese, but while I was always finding this language not that compatible with progressive music, Chico Casara's truly artistic singing has shaken my opinion about that, at least. As for backing vocals, they are heard by no means often on the album, and I think I'll get back to them when describing the tracks that they're present on. Although vocals are certainly the most original constituent of the music here, there are much more of the band's own original ideas than those influenced by Marillion on "Refugio", which became especially evident for me after I compared this output with all of the other Apocalypse albums I've heard until now. In fact, melodically pronounced solos of synthesizer are the only thing here that reminds me of Marillion in general and Mark Kelly's style of playing keyboards in particular, whereas the parts of piano and, especially, organ are always original. Many of the instrumental arrangements on the album are done in the vein of Classic Symphonic Progressive with the fast and highly virtuosi solos of organ at the helm, and overall, they're more complex than most of the works of Marillion. The music on eight out of the ten tracks that feature vocals (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, & 12) represents either a strong, really impressive Neo Progressive with elements of Classic Symphonic Art-Rock or an excellent blend of these two forms of the same genre. Prog-Jazz (7) is in reality a triple union of Symphonic Art-Rock, Rhythm & Blues, and Jazz-Fusion, and Liberty (8) is the only 'purely' Neo song here with anthem-like arrangements throughout it, and not theatrically dramatic ones as on the other tracks. Both of the instrumentals on the album: Toccata and III Millenio (5 & 10) are about a pure, just brilliant, Classic Symphonic Progressive and, as well as the song: Amazonia (6), contain wonderful, unique vocalize chorals performed by all of the band members.
On "Refugio", the band took quite a decisive step towards the complication of their music. The album is marked with a lot of positive changes and, in my view, should please most, if not all, of the lovers of Symphonic Progressive in general. I want to believe that the transformation of Apocalypse into a classic progressive band will be successfully continued.

Refúgio is the seventh album by this Brazilian symphonic band!
Apocalypse make a great brand of symphonic rock with synthezisers, hammond, sampler, guitar, drums and emotional vocals! Apocalypse produce some strong material such as the epic Cachoeira das Aguas Douradas, which has some great Pink Floyd-style soloing and well-worked symphonic touches, whilst America do Sul (clearly influenced by Marillion, IQ and Pendragon) is well constructed in the build up, with a strong, harmony laden chorus. There is also a very Southamerican feel about the music, it lies in the percussion and of course the vocals. These vocals have the emotionality of the Italian bands the vocal part is quite nice and distinctive, the organ parts are also warm and symphonic. The song Amazonia is a slow symphonic track with a marimba and percussion intermezzo with vocals. The sound is more distinctive on this one, which is a good thing. The vocals strongly intertwine, the vocal lines are good and varied. The conclusion is both optimistic and bombastic. Liberdade opens with very catchy keyboards, almost in italo style. But then the song turns out to be quite an aggressive rocking affair. Quite a surprise and it works out well too. The CD also has two great bonus tracks, Último Horizonte (Live In USA, bonus) and Terra Azul (Live in USA, bonus)!

Para finalizar, si querías una buena dosis de sinfonismo, te recomiendo que te zambullas de cabeza (de Moog) en este disco de una muy buena banda que quizás por estos parajes (hablo de Argentina) no es tan conocida, pero al escucharlos nos damos cuenta cuanta injusticia comentemos con un montón de bandas geniales, que son justamente nuestras bandas latinoamericanas.
Hoy no tengo mucho tiempo como para escribir demasiado, aclaro antes de seguir, pero creo que ya es tiempo que tomen en cuenta lo que digo y no tengo ganas de convencer a nadie, yo les digo que si les gusta el género sinfónico este álbum no los defraudará de ninguna manera, esta es una gran banda y en este álbum se los nota en gran forma. Un disco muy disfrutable que recomiendo.
No sean tímidos, bájenlo, vale la pena.

Para quienes no conozcan a la banda, en el video hay un ejemplo (lástima que tiene mal sonido) de lo que se van a encontrar en el disco, pero con buen sonido.


  1. Download: (Flac + CUE + Log)

  2. Nuevo Link:

  3. Pero, de donde ha salido este Mago Ucraniano? Tanta y tanta buena musica. Obligado: Muchas gracias


    1. José, es toda música latinoamerica que cualquier puede conseguir si es que sabe dónde y cómo...
      Pero no es tan difícil conseguirla como parece, simplemente no está a la vista, hay que buscarla.


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"La desobediencia civil es el derecho imprescriptible de todo ciudadano. No puede renunciar a ella sin dejar de ser un hombre".

Gandhi, Tous les hommes sont frères, Gallimard, 1969, p. 235.